Friday, 15 July 2011

Writings on the wall

So I haven't written in a while, but then again with me that's nothing new. Summer's here and super gorgeous at the moment, which makes wanting to do creative indoor activities a little boring. But I have been doing a little painting and I've at least wandered out to the balcony to do the 5th and hopefully final edit of my first short novel.

I'm going to have to keep pushing myself more and more to complete this before the end of August, as I want to post it to Amazon in their Kindle e-reader section. I don't know if it'll ever sell, but it would be nice to at least say that it's complete and out there for the world to discover. Even if it's not professionally edited, but I'm doing the best that I can.

Once I'm back from my week off to Ottawa to visit family & friends, I'll devote more time to completing that task.